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RAG- Retrieval Augmented Generation

RAG - Retrieval Augmented Generation

This example shows how to do RAG with colbert reranking. You have to install the optional rag dependencies (ragatouille) to use the RAGColbertReranker class and this example.

import json

from ragatouille.utils import get_wikipedia_page

from llama_cpp_agent.messages_formatter import MessagesFormatterType

from typing import List

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

from llama_cpp_agent.llm_agent import LlamaCppAgent
from llama_cpp_agent.gbnf_grammar_generator.gbnf_grammar_from_pydantic_models import (
from llama_cpp_agent.providers.llama_cpp_endpoint_provider import (
from llama_cpp_agent.rag.rag_colbert_reranker import RAGColbertReranker
from llama_cpp_agent.rag.text_utils import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter

# Initialize the chromadb vector database with a colbert reranker.
rag = RAGColbertReranker(persistent=False)

# Initialize a recursive character text splitter with the correct chunk size of the embedding model.
length_function = len
splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(
    separators=["\n\n", "\n", " ", ""],

# Use the ragatouille helper function to get the content of a wikipedia page.
page = get_wikipedia_page("Synthetic_diamond")

# Split the text of the wikipedia page into chunks for the vector database.
splits = splitter.split_text(page)

# Add the splits into the vector database
for split in splits:

# Define the query we want to ask based on the retrieved information
query = "What is a BARS apparatus?"

# Define a pydantic class to represent a query extension as additional queries to the original query.
class QueryExtension(BaseModel):
    Represents an extension of a query as additional queries.
    queries: List[str] = Field(default_factory=list, description="List of queries.")

# Generate a grammar and documentation of the query extension model.
grammar, docs = generate_gbnf_grammar_and_documentation([QueryExtension])

# Define a llamacpp server endpoint.
main_model = LlamaCppEndpointSettings(completions_endpoint_url="")

# Define a query extension agent which will extend the query with additional queries.
query_extension_agent = LlamaCppAgent(
    system_prompt="You are a world class query extension algorithm capable of extending queries by writing new queries. Do not answer the queries, simply provide a list of additional queries in JSON format. Structure your output according to the following model:\n\n" + docs.strip(),

# Perform the query extension with the agent.
output = query_extension_agent.get_chat_response(
    f"Consider the following query: {query}", grammar=grammar)

# Load the query extension in JSON format and create an instance of the query extension model.
queries = QueryExtension.model_validate(json.loads(output))

# Define the final prompt for the query with the retrieved information
prompt = "Consider the following context:\n==========Context===========\n"

# Retrieve the most fitting document chunks based on the original query and add them to the prompt.
documents = rag.retrieve_documents(query, k=3)
for doc in documents:
    prompt += doc["content"] + "\n\n"

# Retrieve the most fitting document chunks based on the extended queries and add them to the prompt.
for qu in queries.queries:
    documents = rag.retrieve_documents(qu, k=3)
    for doc in documents:
        if doc["content"] not in prompt:
            prompt += doc["content"] + "\n\n"
prompt += "\n======================\nQuestion: " + query

# Define a new agent to answer the original query based on the retrieved information.
agent_with_rag_information = LlamaCppAgent(
    system_prompt="You are an advanced AI assistant, trained by OpenAI. Only answer question based on the context information provided.",

# Ask the agent the original query with the generated prompt that contains the retrieved information.
Example output
 BARS (Bridgman-Anvil High Pressure Reactor System) apparatus is a type of diamond-producing press used in the HPHT (High Pressure High Temperature) method for synthetic diamond growth. It consists of a ceramic cylindrical "synthesis capsule" placed in a cube of pressure-transmitting material, which is pressed by inner anvils and outer anvils. The whole assembly is locked in a disc-type barrel filled with oil, which pressurizes upon heating, and the oil pressure is transferred to the central cell. The BARS apparatus is claimed to be the most compact, efficient, and economical press design for diamond synthesis.