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Simple Chat

Simple Chat Example using llama.cpp server backend

This example demonstrates how to initiate a chat with an LLM model using the llama.cpp server backend. The framework supports llama-cpp-python Llama class instances as LLM and OpenAI endpoints that support GBNF grammars as a backend, and the llama.cpp backend server.

from llama_cpp_agent import LlamaCppAgent
from llama_cpp_agent import MessagesFormatterType
from llama_cpp_agent.providers import LlamaCppServerProvider

provider = LlamaCppServerProvider("", llama_cpp_python_server=True)

agent = LlamaCppAgent(
    system_prompt="You are a helpful assistant.",

settings = provider.get_provider_default_settings()
settings.n_predict = 512
settings.temperature = 0.65

while True:
    user_input = input(">")
    if user_input == "exit":
    agent_output = agent.get_chat_response(user_input, llm_sampling_settings=settings)
    print(f"Agent: {agent_output.strip()}")